After Tan Instructions
6 hrs. After your Spray Tan Session:
Avoid any activity that would cause sweating; exercise, cleaning, or showering, as your spray tan is developing during these hours. Contact with water or sweat could result in lines or uneven tanning.
If you choose to sleep in your spray tan so that it darkens overnight, please cover your bed with dark sheets and pillow cases so that any bronzer does not stain your regular sheets.
8 hrs. After your Spray Tan Session:
Shower normally. You will see some color wash away from your skin. This is completely normal, and was only the color guard (instant tan that you could see after your spray tan). The color guard is used to give immediate tan results, but also so that the technician may see where they are applying solution. Do not be concerned by this, as your developed tan is still there.
Wash with a mild, moisturizing shower gel and a gentle bath poof.
While you are drying, remember to pat, not rub your skin.
Apply a tan extending lotion at night (please ask your tanning technician for more information).
The Life of your Spray Tan:
The life of your spray tan depends on the care you take of your skin. Moisturize twice a day. The following products have been shown to reduce the number of days that a spray tan will remain on the skin, so try to find alternatives or simply avoid these products until just before your next spray tanning session.
-Band Aids, Face Masks, or Biore Pore Strips -Anti Aging or Anti Acne products
-Bar Soaps -Hair Removal Creams and Shaving
If at all possible, you should try to avoid contact with chlorine or excessive sweating inside of closed toed shoes, as both can lead to premature fading of a spray tan. If you notice uneven or premature fading of your spray tan, you can always correct this by touching up your spray tan with a ‘Tan in a Can’ spray tanning product. Please ask your tanning technician for more information.